Target Hunting Species
We charter open water hunting trips for seaducks, marsh trips to find puddle ducks, divers, and clapper rail. On inland hunts we look for woodcock, deer, quail, dove, wild hog, turkey, and more.
We can also personalize a hunting trip on your own property. We can provide decoys and other supplies that you may not have.
Also note that when we're on the water, you're welcome to fish you while hunt for the best of both worlds.
Sea Duck and Diver Duck
For open water hunts from October through January, we look for Black Scoter, White Wing, and Eider ducks. These are ocean trips where we have to be at least one mile off shore.
Black scoters have an average length of 19 1/2 inches and an average weight of 2 1/2 pounds.
The black scoter is found most frequently along the coastal flyways. In South Carolina black scoters are found off the coast during the winter months.
Common eiders are boldy colored black and white birds with a distinctive wedge-shaped head and long bill. These thick-necked stocky birds alternate flapping and sailing in flight.
A black scoter duck.
A common eider duck.
Puddle Duck
Species of puddle ducks include Gadwall, Mallard, Woodduck, Teal, and Pintail.
Puddle ducks are typically birds of fresh, shallow marshes and rivers rather than of large lakes and bays. They are good divers, but usually feed by dabbling or tipping rather than submerging.
Any duck feeding in croplands will likely be a puddle duck, for most of this group are sure-footed and can walk and run well on land. Their diet is mostly vegetables and grain.
A male gadwall duck.
Female (left) and male (right) mallards.
Woodcocks have stocky bodies, cryptic brown and blackish plumage and long slender bills. Their eyes are located on the sides of their heads, which gives them 360° vision. Unlike in most birds, the tip of the bill's upper mandible is flexible.
As their common name implies, the woodcocks are woodland birds. They feed at night or in the evenings, searching for invertebrates in soft ground with their long bills. This habit and their unobtrusive plumage makes it difficult to see them when they are resting in the day. Most have distinctive displays known as "roding", usually given at dawn or dusk.
An American Woodcock camouflaged in a ground nest.
Our Official Guide Dog, Eula, with her prize woodcocks from January, 2016.
Marsh Hen and others
We also hunt blue-wing and green-wing teal, marsh hen (also known as clapper rail), and other fowl. If you don't see your preferred hunting species, please give us a call to learn about that species and where we can hunt it.
A clapper rail or marsh hen.